After 22 years with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Ranger Wesley Doolittle retired at the end of September 2022 and immediately swore in as a Captain with the Montgomery County Precinct 1 Constables Office.
Doolittle’s family roots date back to the 1800s in East Montgomery County. Wesley grew up In Splendora, attending elementary school there; then graduated from Cleveland High School in 1992. He started working as a pipefitter and welder but felt a strong pull to public service and law enforcement.
In 1998, he attended the former North Harris County College reserve peace officer academy (now Lone Star College). In 2000, he was accepted into the DPS Academy and after graduating as a Texas State Trooper he was assigned to Cleveland-Liberty County. Wesley earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Bellevue University in 2011.
After meeting his wife, Sherry, he transferred to Tomball in 2003 and, in 2005, he promoted to Sergeant in the Criminal Investigation Unit of DPS and was assigned to McAllen, TX. He was there a year and worked narcotics before being assigned to work with the DEA in Houston. He was recognized by the Chief of the Houston Police Department, after he, HPD, and the DEA teamed up to dismantle a major drug cartel component operating throughout South Texas.
In 2009, Wesley applied to be a Texas Ranger, where he was promoted in the first round and assigned to Victoria. Wesley transferred to Houston, then to Conroe, and back to Houston until his retirement from DPS.
As a Texas Ranger, Wesley had authority throughout the state and worked with more than 50 Sheriffs, local law enforcement leaders, and with state and federal prosecutors. His duties as a Ranger included investigating Civil Rights violations, homicides, murders, officer-involved shootings, questionable death investigations and public integrity investigations. During his time as a Ranger, he also attended Sam Houston State University, where he obtained his Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management.
Wesley and his family are blessed to be back in Montgomery County and he is proud to serve the Community directly. His current duties at Precinct 1 include heading up the Criminal Investigation Unit, Lake Patrol, Recruiting, Internal Affairs, and additionally, is also tasked with being a Public Information Officer for the agency.
Wesley is a conservative Christian, well trained lawman and fearless goal-oriented leader. His dedication to you and your family will never waver.